Building The Dove Book

Building The Dove Book

I would like to announce the release of my new book, Building The Dove. 

This book contains all the lessons that were offered to students in the School of the Supernatural over a period of four months. It will give you detailed teaching on the following subjects:

1. How the dove is not only a picture of the Holy Spirit, but symbolises every aspect of ministry

2. Understanding the difference between Ministry and Calling. They are not the same thing.

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There is a Better Way to Do it

Are you tired of trying to do things in your own strength?

Sometimes it feels like everything you do is an effort. You give it your best shot and try to do what God has called you to do, but it falls flat.

There is a better way to do it. It is called the Anointing of God.

It’s called Walking in the Supernatural.

Not too long ago Apostle Les introduced the School of the Supernatural. And we have seen many begin to see a new power in their ministry. But moving into the power of God does not come through training, it comes by letting the Lord empower you and move in your life.

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What if…?

What if you could open a book, and read the very words of God speaking directly to you right now?

What if He gave you the right words to speak and confess over your life to step into the blessing that He has for you?

It would be so easy to just read His words speaking to you and start confessing what He gives you to speak. Well you can do that today, it is known as The Blessing Code.

Reading it feels like the Father is speaking straight to you right now.

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Overcoming The Boredom

Here in South Africa the entire country has been placed into lockdown from this Friday. That means everyone has to stay at home and only go out for essentials. Some other countries are also in this position already and others are likely to also go that route soon.

This can be a frustration if you are used to going out, and being stuck at home can lead to a lot of boredom. But for believers it can be a perfect time to catch up on some of the things that you have not had time for until now.

What an opportunity this is for you to spend some time building your spiritual life and ministry through reading and study. You don’t want to spend all that time filling up on worldly input by spending hours watching TV. 

You want to read some uplifting books and watch videos that will inspire and teach you. And we have a huge collection of these which I believe would really help build your faith and give you a new hope for the future. 

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Your Spiritual Life

I like to read stories and if you are human, then chances are that you also like stories. Some stories have a deep meaning behind them. While others are just a bunch of nonsense that someone made up to entertain you.

But stories have a power to draw you in and make you remember them. They have a power to influence you and help you learn new things.

The bible is full of stories that have meaning in them. Though often all people remember are the stories and they don’t always remember the rest of what the Lord was saying in His word.

There is one story in the bible that maybe you did not fully understand yet. That is the story of Esther.

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Quick Read – Short But Powerful

I personally always want to read something new. And if you are someone who likes to read I am sure you feel the same.

But maybe you don’t like reading long books. Or maybe you just have not had the time recently. There is just so much available, that it can be hard to decide what to read first.

I have every intention of reading all the books, but it does not happen.

Not too long ago I picked up a small book that we found randomly at the bookstore. It was inspirational and all about being successful.

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Are You Destined To Be Famous?

Have you ever looked at others who have risen up and become famous or popular and wondered why God has not done the same for you?

If you have, then you are not alone. Most of us at one time or another wish things had gone better in our lives. And we all feel that perhaps the Lord withheld something from us that He gave to others.

But you may be surprised to find that the greatest key to your future and success does not lie primarily in the hands of the Lord. It actually lies in your hands.

Of course the Lord is there to help you fulfill your dreams. But He has not decided ahead of time what your destiny will be. This is something that you alone can decide, and God has given you the freedom to make this choice.

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Get A Quick Faith Boost

Did you know that the more Word you feed into your inward parts the more your faith will grow?

The Scripture says that faith comes by hearing the rhema word of God. And the only way you can get a rhema word is to first feed the Word inwards. Then it starts coming out from inside of you as a rhema, and that is when faith is produced. 

I found that when I repeat Scriptures over and over again until they sink into my inner memory, my faith gets stronger. And when I need to believe God, these Scriptures start coming out of me. 

But it is not always easy to sit down and quote Scriptures over and over again. So I found a better way. 

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