There is a Better Way to Do it

Are you tired of trying to do things in your own strength?

Sometimes it feels like everything you do is an effort. You give it your best shot and try to do what God has called you to do, but it falls flat.

There is a better way to do it. It is called the Anointing of God.

It’s called Walking in the Supernatural.

Not too long ago Apostle Les introduced the School of the Supernatural. And we have seen many begin to see a new power in their ministry. But moving into the power of God does not come through training, it comes by letting the Lord empower you and move in your life.

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Your Purpose in Life and Ministry

God has a plan and purpose for you. He wants you to live in blessing and fulfill all that He has called you to do.

But sometimes you need tools to help you along the way. Sometimes it just seems you are not reaching all that God has promised you.

We want to help you to reach all that God has for you. That is our most important goal in GBM International. And so we want to give you the tools that you need to find your destiny and calling in the Lord.

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Quick Read – Short But Powerful

I personally always want to read something new. And if you are someone who likes to read I am sure you feel the same.

But maybe you don’t like reading long books. Or maybe you just have not had the time recently. There is just so much available, that it can be hard to decide what to read first.

I have every intention of reading all the books, but it does not happen.

Not too long ago I picked up a small book that we found randomly at the bookstore. It was inspirational and all about being successful.

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Announcing The New Bookshop

We would like to announce the new and improved GBM Bookshop.

As you know we have been revamping all of our websites at GBM International. Along with the rest, I have been working hard to improve our bookshop so that it is easier to use and looks better than before.

We are excited to announce today that it is fully functional and ready to go. And I believe that this is the best version of our bookshop yet.

We Need Your Help

So we would like to ask you if you can check it out for us. We would love to get your feedback on how it looks and functions.

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