What Type Are You?

What do Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon have in common?

They are all allegories of different kinds of Apostle. Each having a different emphasis and mandate to fulfill.

Today God is calling His Apostles to take their place and fulfill the call He has for them. And if you have the call to the Apostolic, then it is time for you to take your place and find which one of these is you.

Many have read Apostle Les’ groundbreaking book “The Apostolic Calling” and have been inspired to go forth and take up their calling. This book has become one of our most popular books that we have ever published.

But there is more to the call, and many different areas that are not yet understood.

So today we are excited to launch a new book that follows on from the Apostolic Calling. A brand new book in the series, called:

The Apostolic Types – 7 Kinds of Apostle

GBM Bookshop: https://www.gbm-bookshop.com/product-detail/?product=262

Also available on Amazon here:

Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09773NJWG

Print Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096WNW6LB

As a continuation of the series, this book goes into detail on each of the types of Apostle. The book is dedicated to covering the 4 kinds of Ministry Apostle. But you will also discover there are some types that are called to business.

God is calling His modern Apostles to do far more than ever before. It is time to discover the Apostolic Types.

We hope that this book goes out and touches those that need it. And if you are called to this ministry, may it help you to find your true purpose and fulfill it.

The Apostolic Series

This book is now part of a complete series called The Apostolic Minister series. Which includes:

  • The Apostolic Calling Expanded
  • The Apostolic Types
  • The Apostolic Entrepreneur

A complete ekit of this series is also available if you have not got any of these books before. You can find the series here:

GBM Bookshop (https://www.gbm-bookshop.com/product-detail/?product=187)

Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09774WFGM)

Please comment and let us know if this book is what you have been looking for. We look forward to hearing from those who are blessed by it.

In Him

John Crause
Team Member
Servant of Jesus

GBM International

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