Your Purpose in Life and Ministry

God has a plan and purpose for you. He wants you to live in blessing and fulfill all that He has called you to do.

But sometimes you need tools to help you along the way. Sometimes it just seems you are not reaching all that God has promised you.

We want to help you to reach all that God has for you. That is our most important goal in GBM International. And so we want to give you the tools that you need to find your destiny and calling in the Lord.

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Now in Print – Way of Blessing Part 3

Now available in print from Amazon, The New Way of Blessing Part 3 – Living Your Blessing.

We are excited to announce that this powerful book is now available. For those of you who like physical printed books, now is your chance to get it.

Available Here:

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What if…?

What if you could open a book, and read the very words of God speaking directly to you right now?

What if He gave you the right words to speak and confess over your life to step into the blessing that He has for you?

It would be so easy to just read His words speaking to you and start confessing what He gives you to speak. Well you can do that today, it is known as The Blessing Code.

Reading it feels like the Father is speaking straight to you right now.

Continue reading “What if…?”

A Good Thing Just Got Better

The New Way of Blessing Now Has a New Volume

After more than twenty years since the original Way of Blessing was created in two volumes, we finally have added the third volume to make this teaching full and complete.

If you have read The New Way of Blessing Volumes 1 and 2, then you are going to love this new third volume.

But even if you have never seen the first two volumes you will still be able to apply everything taught in this new third volume.

Of course, if you really want to have ALL the principles, you should seriously work your way through all three volumes. Your life will never be the same again


What You Will Learn

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Do You Like Stories?

In my last post I shared part of my story of learning the Way of Blessing Principles.

You may have noticed that I mentioned how the Way of Blessing was a big book. And it took a while before I started to learn the principles.

But what if there was an easier way, or a more fun way to learn them?

Well, we have a book that has taken the Way of Blessing principles and put them into a powerful story.

This is the only story book that we offer on the GBM Bookshop. But it is far more than just a novel. It is a story packed with this foundational teaching.

It is called – The Blessing Code

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What is Blessing?

What does it mean to be blessed?

If you watched or listened to our weekly meeting at GBM Fellowship, then you know that this week was all about prosperity. Imagine if every believer could walk in prosperity and not have to worry about making ends meet.

The Lord wants you to prosper. Because this is the only way that theft and strife will disappear.

During our weekly meeting Apostle Les mentioned our foundational teaching. “The New Way of Blessing” and how important it is. This teaching is the most essential teaching that we offer. Yet sometimes it seems that we ourselves forget how powerful it is.

Today I want to tell you my story of The Way of Blessing.

Continue reading “What is Blessing?”