Time to Put it on

Every morning when I wake up, I put on my mantle of protection. I start the day ready to face anything, because I know that I have a mantle I can put on.

Later I will spend time with the Lord praying and singing until I activate my mantle of power.

And after that, there could be another mantle that I may need to put on.

What are all these mantles you ask?

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What Type Are You?

What do Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon have in common?

They are all allegories of different kinds of Apostle. Each having a different emphasis and mandate to fulfill.

Today God is calling His Apostles to take their place and fulfill the call He has for them. And if you have the call to the Apostolic, then it is time for you to take your place and find which one of these is you.

Many have read Apostle Les’ groundbreaking book “The Apostolic Calling” and have been inspired to go forth and take up their calling. This book has become one of our most popular books that we have ever published.

But there is more to the call, and many different areas that are not yet understood.

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There is a Better Way to Do it

Are you tired of trying to do things in your own strength?

Sometimes it feels like everything you do is an effort. You give it your best shot and try to do what God has called you to do, but it falls flat.

There is a better way to do it. It is called the Anointing of God.

It’s called Walking in the Supernatural.

Not too long ago Apostle Les introduced the School of the Supernatural. And we have seen many begin to see a new power in their ministry. But moving into the power of God does not come through training, it comes by letting the Lord empower you and move in your life.

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Your Purpose in Life and Ministry

God has a plan and purpose for you. He wants you to live in blessing and fulfill all that He has called you to do.

But sometimes you need tools to help you along the way. Sometimes it just seems you are not reaching all that God has promised you.

We want to help you to reach all that God has for you. That is our most important goal in GBM International. And so we want to give you the tools that you need to find your destiny and calling in the Lord.

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Now in Print – Way of Blessing Part 3

Now available in print from Amazon, The New Way of Blessing Part 3 – Living Your Blessing.

We are excited to announce that this powerful book is now available. For those of you who like physical printed books, now is your chance to get it.

Available Here:

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What if…?

What if you could open a book, and read the very words of God speaking directly to you right now?

What if He gave you the right words to speak and confess over your life to step into the blessing that He has for you?

It would be so easy to just read His words speaking to you and start confessing what He gives you to speak. Well you can do that today, it is known as The Blessing Code.

Reading it feels like the Father is speaking straight to you right now.

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The Life of Prayer

For as long as I can remember I have heard my mom (Daphne Crause) speak about the importance of prayer.

It has been a passion in her life for a long time and she showed me how important it is to talk to the Lord. Prayer does not have to be complicated. In fact it is very simple. It is as simple as talking to the Lord.

I can remember as a child complaining about the things that were wrong in my life or telling my parents the things I wanted. They would always say the same thing to me: 

Go ask the Lord about it

I came to the place where even if I was not praying for something specifically, I would find myself talking to the Lord about what was in my heart. Prayer is that simple, it is just having a conversation with God. And you can do it all the time.

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New Release – Addicted To Prayer

We are pleased to announce finally the release of Apostle Daphne Crause’s new book on prayer, entitled Addicted to Prayer.

View Item: https://www.gbm-bookshop.com/product-detail/?product=245

Daphne is an expert on prayer and all the books she has written so far on this subject have been extremely popular and well received by most believers, but especially those involved in Prophetic Ministry and Intercession

This book, like all of her books is about far more than just praying as you will soon see when you read it. 

It embraces the entire spiritual life and includes additional teachings on most of the difficulties that we face, not only in prayer, but generally in our lives.

By the time you have finished reading this book, you will not only know how to pray better, but you will likely have also dealt with many other problems that have blocked you and hindered you in your walk with the Lord

Here Are Some Of The Things You Will Learn

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Your Spiritual Life

I like to read stories and if you are human, then chances are that you also like stories. Some stories have a deep meaning behind them. While others are just a bunch of nonsense that someone made up to entertain you.

But stories have a power to draw you in and make you remember them. They have a power to influence you and help you learn new things.

The bible is full of stories that have meaning in them. Though often all people remember are the stories and they don’t always remember the rest of what the Lord was saying in His word.

There is one story in the bible that maybe you did not fully understand yet. That is the story of Esther.

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Quick Read – Short But Powerful

I personally always want to read something new. And if you are someone who likes to read I am sure you feel the same.

But maybe you don’t like reading long books. Or maybe you just have not had the time recently. There is just so much available, that it can be hard to decide what to read first.

I have every intention of reading all the books, but it does not happen.

Not too long ago I picked up a small book that we found randomly at the bookstore. It was inspirational and all about being successful.

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