Building The Dove

Most believers know that the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. But the dove actually represents more than just the Holy Spirit Himself; it represents the work of the Holy Spirit in helping every believer to carry out their ministry or calling.

For just over four months we have been studying the work of the Holy Spirit, especially where the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Spirit are concerned.

It has been a powerful time of looking at these subjects in some detail, to learn how they function in our lives, and how important they are in our ministry. And each one has been impacted in some way by some of the amazing things that the Lord revealed.

We have now put all of the teachings received during this time into one complete book, which contains everything that was taught during this time. It is entitled Building The Dove.

Book Coming Soon

Free Teaching Course

The book is almost ready for publication, but in view of the powerful principles learned in this course, I have decided to offer a free teaching course covering the main points in video and audio form.

You can go and watch the whole course freely until the book has been published. Then you can get the book and have the full teaching at your fingertips.

I have produced an introductory video explaining what it is all about, and the first of four lectures is already available online in a new website created especially for it.

You can go there and watch the introduction, but you have to register for the course and login to the website to see the full course. It is free, and all we ask you for is your email and WhatsApp No.

The Blessing of WhatsApp

We have been using WhatsApp for a while now as a ministry and training tool. And each week the students of the Supernatural School gather to receive teaching on WhatsApp, where they can interact during the lesson and ask questions for a fuller learning experience.

Once you register for this free course, you will be placed on a new WhatsApp group dedicated to this course, where we can give you further free teaching, and where you can also fellowship together with other students on the course.

Get Ready To Explode in Power

This course is going to ignite you and set you on fire to rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit and do amazing things for the Lord. If you have always desired to be used by the Lord, especially in the Gifts of the Spirit, then this course is for you.

I look forward to seeing you on the course and interacting personally with you in the WhatsApp group. If you do not yet have WhatsApp, it is free to download and install. Just let us have your number if it was not available when you registered.

Go and check out this course now by watching my introduction on the website at:

If you are unable to watch it on the website, you can also watch it on YouTube first at the following web address:

YouTube link:

Let’s embrace the power of the Dove of the Holy Spirit together and go and do mighty exploits for the Lord shall we?

In His Love,

Les D. Crause

Spiritual and Apostolic Father
Servant of Jesus

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