What if…?

What if you could open a book, and read the very words of God speaking directly to you right now?

What if He gave you the right words to speak and confess over your life to step into the blessing that He has for you?

It would be so easy to just read His words speaking to you and start confessing what He gives you to speak. Well you can do that today, it is known as The Blessing Code.

Reading it feels like the Father is speaking straight to you right now.

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Are You Destined To Be Famous?

Have you ever looked at others who have risen up and become famous or popular and wondered why God has not done the same for you?

If you have, then you are not alone. Most of us at one time or another wish things had gone better in our lives. And we all feel that perhaps the Lord withheld something from us that He gave to others.

But you may be surprised to find that the greatest key to your future and success does not lie primarily in the hands of the Lord. It actually lies in your hands.

Of course the Lord is there to help you fulfill your dreams. But He has not decided ahead of time what your destiny will be. This is something that you alone can decide, and God has given you the freedom to make this choice.

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What is Blessing?

What does it mean to be blessed?

If you watched or listened to our weekly meeting at GBM Fellowship, then you know that this week was all about prosperity. Imagine if every believer could walk in prosperity and not have to worry about making ends meet.

The Lord wants you to prosper. Because this is the only way that theft and strife will disappear.

During our weekly meeting Apostle Les mentioned our foundational teaching. “The New Way of Blessing” and how important it is. This teaching is the most essential teaching that we offer. Yet sometimes it seems that we ourselves forget how powerful it is.

Today I want to tell you my story of The Way of Blessing.

Continue reading “What is Blessing?”