Time to Put it on

Every morning when I wake up, I put on my mantle of protection. I start the day ready to face anything, because I know that I have a mantle I can put on.

Later I will spend time with the Lord praying and singing until I activate my mantle of power.

And after that, there could be another mantle that I may need to put on.

What are all these mantles you ask?

They are just some of the mantles that are available to you as a child of God.

Do you know about your mantles?

We have been covering mantles in a whole new way in our School of the Supernatural. And I want to tell you, it has changed my life. These principles have become so a part of my life, that I have forgotten what I did before them.

All of these new teachings are what make up our latest book release from Apostle Les D. Crause:

Mantles of God

This groundbreaking teaching is something that you have never heard before. There is much teaching out there on mantles and how to receive them, but nothing like this.

And nothing that can impact your whole life right away.

Some of the things that will be entirely new to you include:

– How to activate mantles
– Mantles have different levels
– Some mantles are available to all believers
– Some have a unique mantle from God
– Mantles of ability vs mantles of authority
– How to stop bad mantles

It could be that you have the wrong mantle.

Now, you may asking me:

“It is possible to have a wrong mantle?”

Yes it is and it can stop you from entering into all that God has for you.

Are you struggling right now to find what God wants you to do?

Maybe you are searching for something new from God.

Then it could be that you need a mantle. You need to reach out to the Lord for a new mantle. And this book will show you how.

You do not want to miss this book, because it will change your life, just as it has changed mine.

You can find the book on our bookshop here:

And if you want to take this even further and receive practical input from us, then be sure to check out the School of the Supernatural here:

This book is only the start of this new revelation on mantles. We will be continuing to expand it far beyond as the school continues.

So if you want to be a part of this and see the new things that God is doing then don’t miss this opportunity.

May the Lord bless you. And if you have any questions about the new book or the school, be sure to contact me and I can help you.

In Him

John Crause
Team Member
GBM International

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