Are You Destined To Be Famous?

Have you ever looked at others who have risen up and become famous or popular and wondered why God has not done the same for you?

If you have, then you are not alone. Most of us at one time or another wish things had gone better in our lives. And we all feel that perhaps the Lord withheld something from us that He gave to others.

But you may be surprised to find that the greatest key to your future and success does not lie primarily in the hands of the Lord. It actually lies in your hands.

Of course the Lord is there to help you fulfill your dreams. But He has not decided ahead of time what your destiny will be. This is something that you alone can decide, and God has given you the freedom to make this choice.

Some Unlearning May Be Needed

I know that this is probably something that you have believed for a long time, and you have probably heard a lot of teaching that has made you believe this.

But the full truth has been withheld from you, because you can fulfill your destiny if you really want to. And that destiny is ultimately decided by you, with the help of the Lord, who can see into the future.

I would like to help you understand this subject better so that you can break free of the things that have limited and restricted you for so long. I believe that it is time for you to rise up out of obscurity and be all that you were destined to be.

So I have put together a full teaching series explaining how this works. And there you will learn that you have believed some things that are just not true. And I hope you will also be inspired to get new hope and reach out for the thing you have desired for so long.

Fulfill Your Destiny

You can fulfill your destiny if you go about it the right way. And this series will show you exactly how to do just that.

You can get my ebook explaining everything from our bookshop. I know that as you read and apply the principles taught there, you will get a new hope for the future.

Here are the details:

Fulfill Your Destiny

If you are still struggling to find what you were born to do, and have given up hope of ever reaching the goals you hoped to reach, then this teaching will light a new fire in you.

Instead of thrashing around in the dark, or sitting waiting and hoping, you will be able to start making plans to build the life that you desire.

This Is Your Moment

Perhaps you have been crying out to the Lord or secretly hoping something would come your way.

Well this is your moment. The Lord has sent this to you now in answer to your prayers. And I look forward to hearing from you as you finally break free of the destiny malaise that has robbed you so long of the life of happiness you deserve.

We also have a study course in our training schools that offers this entire teaching in video, audio and text, with practical projects and exercises for you to do. So if you are not so much the reading type of person, you might be interested in doing that instead.

It will cost a little more, but will be worth far more than what you invest in it. If you would like to know more about the Fulfill your Destiny course, then reply to this email, requesting more information about it, and we will get back to you to tell you more.

But for now, why not go and get this powerful teaching and get inspired?

Here is the link to the ebook again:

In His Love

Les D. Crause

Spiritual and Apostolic Father&nbsp
Servant of Jesus

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