The Life of Prayer

For as long as I can remember I have heard my mom (Daphne Crause) speak about the importance of prayer.

It has been a passion in her life for a long time and she showed me how important it is to talk to the Lord. Prayer does not have to be complicated. In fact it is very simple. It is as simple as talking to the Lord.

I can remember as a child complaining about the things that were wrong in my life or telling my parents the things I wanted. They would always say the same thing to me: 

Go ask the Lord about it

I came to the place where even if I was not praying for something specifically, I would find myself talking to the Lord about what was in my heart. Prayer is that simple, it is just having a conversation with God. And you can do it all the time.

That does not mean that there is not a deeper level to prayer. You can go as deep as you want to go in your prayer life. And if you rise up in your ministry calling there certainly will be a deeper level.

Just yesterday Daphne released her newest ebook on prayer. She has done several teachings on the subject and spoken about it for years, but this newest book is her best one yet.

It is called Addicted To Prayer 

Find it Here:

When you hear that word “Addicted” it may seem like a bad thing at first. But there is nothing wrong with becoming addicted to prayer.

The Lord wants to develop that close relationship with you. And that can only be done by spending time in prayer.

In this new book Daphne shares practically how to do that. 

The Joy of Prayer

Some people see prayer as a chore, or something that you have to do when times get tough. Others see it as a ritual to be done at a certain time.

But the Lord wants you to have joy as you come to Him in prayer. And that is one of the key points in this book.

Health and Finances

One of the biggest struggles you face is in the areas of health or finances. Daphne shows you how to pray for these areas. She takes you through prayer for your own healing, as well as the healing of others.

You will see how the enemy tries to attack these areas and what you must stand against. She will show you how to overcome the attack of Satan and the ways that He tries to attack you.


Fear can stop you from entering into the blessing that God has for you. In her new book Daphne shows you what to do when you are faced with fear and how to pray to overcome it.

The enemy will attack you with Fear. It is his greatest weapon, but you can overcome it. You may be feeling down and lost, but you can break free and rise up again.

Warfare and Intercession

Daphne goes into detail in several sections on how to wage war in prayer and overcome the attack of the enemy.

Intercession is also a big part of prayer. And many people do not fully understand what it is. She shows you clearly how the Lord will lead you in intercession.

Face to Face with Jesus

Finally a very important part of your prayer is simply having that close relationship with Jesus. He is the reason you will become addicted to prayer. He is the reason that you do this.

Daphne takes you from this starting point of a relationship with Jesus, right through every area that you need to pray for. Every area that you could need prayer in is covered.

Do you want to have that relationship with Him? Do you want to take your prayer life to the next level?

Then this new book is for you. I recommend that you pick it up. Not only is this book anointed and full of powerful teaching, it is also simple and easy to read. You will find yourself going through it very quickly. But you will come back to it again and again to get the fullness of it.

Limited Time Bonus

As this is a new release we are offering a special bonus with it for the next 10 days (Until 2020/07/10).

If you order the book you get Daphne’s previous ebook on prayer free of charge. This book is called Praying With Power, and has been her most popular book on prayer. 

Just make sure to order the Addictive and Powerful Prayer E-Kit which includes the ebook for free. 

You can find the kit here:

Your Feedback

We would like to hear back from you about this ebook. If you are blessed by it or you have seen the power that is in this teaching, then please leave us a review or send a feedback for us.

If you need help or have questions you can also write to me.

I pray that this book helps you to reach a new level in your prayer life. May you become addicted to prayer and tap into the fullness that God has for you.

In Him 

John Crause

Team Member
GBM International

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