Now in Print – Way of Blessing Part 3

Now available in print from Amazon, The New Way of Blessing Part 3 – Living Your Blessing.

We are excited to announce that this powerful book is now available. For those of you who like physical printed books, now is your chance to get it.

Available Here:

If you are on a different region of Amazon, you may just need to search for it yourself, simply search for “Way of Blessing Les Crause” on your amazon region, and you should find it.

Our Most Powerful Book on Blessing So Far

We cannot wait to get this book out and to help people live the life of blessing that God has for them. If that is what you want, we hope this book is a blessing to you.

With this now in print, you can take it with you wherever you go, to remind you of the power that you have and help you tap into your blessing.

Kindle, Print and Other

We are aware that many people are having issues on our websites.

So if you have been unable to buy from us, we would like to let you know that all of our titles are also available through Amazon in Kindle format. And many are in print format now, with more coming soon.

If you read ebooks through other sellers such as Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, or Scribd, we are also available on those platforms.

I pray that this book is a blessing to you. Let us know if you have any questions.

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