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Way to Success (MP3)

Author: Les D. Crause

Product Category: 05 Abundant Living

Product Format: MP3 Audio -

Published By: Global Business Ministries International

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Price: R338.00 - $26.00

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The Exact Stages To Follow To Succeed In Everything You Do

Everybody desires to live a successful life. But so often it seems that only a few hand-picked people really get there in their lives.

Why is it that some people make to the top and live their dreams? Did they have an easier start in their lives? Did it just all fall into their laps and success ran in their families?

Does that mean you have to accept the fact that you will never be successful like them, and that you should stop dreaming and wishing for a bright future.

No! God has intended a wonderful future for you. He has given you all that you need in order to fulfill your dreams and to reach your goals.

YOU are chosen to make a difference with your life

God has a very special purpose for your life and He wants you to reach your destiny. Nobody else can walk out what He has planned with your life. You have a very unique purpose and the desires in your heart have been placed there by God Himself.

All that you need is some help along the way, on how to get to reach those goals.

In this series you are going to learn how you can reach your life's destiny by applying simple principles and following a clear track.

There are 4 steps that you will learn about:

Dreams - You are not lacking dreams. I am sure if you look deep inside of you, you will find there are many dreams that have never come true, but still burn in you. Many of those dreams have been put there by the Lord. It is His dream for you and He wants you to dream big.

Goals - Certain goals are short term goals and we reach many of them as we go through life. But do you know what your long term goals are? Dig into to this teaching to find out what those goals are and what your destiny in life is. Again, not everybody has the same goals in life and what burns in you to fulfill here and now is what makes you special.

Plans - Without plans you are not going anywhere. Have you ever walked around in a desert or tried to find your way in a country that you did not know without a clear route of where you are heading? You will agree, a plan on how to get from A to B comes in very handy. The same applies to your spiritual walk and in the process of reaching those dreams and goals that you have set. You will learn how to plan your success and how important this step is.

Action - Once you have followed the steps above, it is time to take ACTION. This step decides if you are going to reach your goals and enter into success.

  • Your desire and dream is to get married, or to start your own ministry or business.
  • You know that your desire is from the Lord and you made it your goal to reach your dream by the end of the year. You planned the steps that you have to take. Now it is time to take action and step out on what the Lord has shown you.

    Les D. Crause will show you each step of the way and lead you through each phase. He will take you by the hand and help you find and identify your existing desires and teach you how to overcome blockages that hinder you from entering into a successful life.

    You will learn how to develop your core desires and by applying the principles, reach those deep desires and goals in your life.

    Success will be your middle name and no matter what it is that you want to reach in life, you will know how to get there and you will reach every goal that you have set your mind to.

    Success is what God has intended for you and He wants you to reach your destiny in life.

    So go and take hold of all that is available to you now and rise up into your Life Destiny.

    Finding your Destiny in Life

    1. Having a purpose in life
    2. The importance of knowing who you are
    3. How to be content with yourself and accept yourself
    4. Receiving a clear goal and heading towards it
    5. Getting excited about your goals
    6. What can hinder you in finding your destiny
    7. The power of journaling and coming into His presence
    8. Setting each key to your destiny in place
    9. How to break free and overcome the blockages
    10. Finding your passions and abilities
    11. Accepting your lacks and reaching out for more

    Developing Core Desires

    1. How to find your existing desires
    2. The importance of accepting what you cannot change
    3. The power of knowledge, inner healing and new habits
    4. Violations against God's law
    5. How to develop your core desires
    6. Dealing with blocking templates
    7. The role of a mentor
    8. The key to find your calling

    Going for Goals

    1. Obtaining skills you do not have
    2. Matching your Core Desire Level
    3. How to set your goals for life
    4. The importance of giving deadlines to goals
    5. Listing skills and desire level for each goal
    6. Why you should prioritize your goals
    7. The power of confessing your goals out loud

    Planning to Succeed

    1. The importance of memorizing your goals
    2. How to memorize your main goals by using body parts
    3. Seeing the stages that will lead to your goal
    4. The power of linking your goals to objects
    5. Why you shouldn't take on too many goals at once
    6. Expressing your goals and sharing them with others
    7. Transmute your goals by bulldozing and confessing
    8. Spending time in His presence daily

    Lights, Camera and Action

    1. Time to take action
    2. The importance of the right timing
    3. K.I.S.S the power of keeping it simple
    4. Having the right attitude
    5. What to keep in mind while working with others
    6. Influencer versus being influenced
    7. Taking lead and having people love you

    Price: R338.00 - $26.00

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